Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It’s just plain white light he saw. His eyes strained to see things filtering the bright light. He felt intense pain in his legs... stuggling to stand... and he was leaning on a wooden pillar. Slowly realized that he is inside a wooden cabin, facing the door.
The door opened and he saw a girl… in a white dress. For a moment he thought she was an angel… but after seeing that known smile… that strand of hair on either side of her face… he confirmed it was HIS angel at the doors.

But with the same smile she closed the door. He shouted for her… in his mind… “Wait… don’t go… come in plzzz. Don’t leave me here…” She did hear him for sure… in a flash she ran in and embraced him. Tears ran down her eyes… and wetted his shoulder. The feeling of their loved ones in their arms again... elated them. For a moment they felt like they are in heaven… floating in air. It is evident from their expressions that he successfully recovered from the death bed.

Holding her face… he saw himself in center of those two black galaxies. He just continued to be lost in those eyes… but something dragged her away. She slowly vanished with that same smile and the white cloud with bright light took prominence…

His eyes strained again in that white light to see things… and his vision slowly cleared to see something revolving. Before he could make out what it is, he heard a voice… “Krishnaaaa… get up. It’s already 7:30. You will be late for work… get up now…”

He saw his mom leaving the room. Turning away, he saw the fan revolving above his head. Slowly the reality sunk in… he realized it was a dream. He sat for a while… trying to re-run the dream. He tried hard to see that girls face again. But all he could remember was her eyes… his reflection in those beautiful eyes... and not the face!

Questions started to pop in… “what kind of dream is this? Who is this girl? Why was I in a death bed?” Puzzled for a while… he kept thinking about the dream… the girl… those gorgeous eyes!!!
“Who the hell is this girl? Why can’t I remember the damn face?” He wondered “Is it kind of a prelude of my future?” He knows most of his dreams had come true. But those were like a picture of a happening.

“Krishnaaaa… why are you sitting like a rock? What happened? Are you planning to take off today?” “No.. no... ma… I’m moving… I’m moving”. He said to himself “it’s just a dream… there is no take away from it… just illusuions… created due to some "chemical locha" in the brain” convincing himself he moved on.


  1. part 2 comin up????
    is this ur own dream? ;) he heh.....
    due??? ipdi mudicha eppudi?

  2. part 2.... dont know yet.. :)

    and its not my dream! ;)

    vera eppadi mudikanum? :P
